vintage register journals

I was given, several years apart and by different people, these two “true vintage” register books. Both date to the 50’s, have been bound by hand, with  laid ivory pages ruled into columns and rows with red and grey ink. They’re massive…the bigger one measures 380mm x 500mm when open (15″ x 20″)! On both, the covers have suffered  water damage, leather deterioration, and just a general rotting away, I guess, due to how they were stored and who-knows-what they were exposed to.

I started using one of the books as a journal, a year ago.

At some point in its life, one of its owners started using it to catalog a reel-to-reel music collection…a whole bunch of songs were listed on half-a-dozen pages, including the counter numbers that marked where each track started and ended.
suitcase with wheels
Someone else—a sailboat owner—started an “address book” in its Index, gluing photos of some 40 yachts and writing down owners’ names and addresses, alongside.
They are the first hand-bound books not made by myself (or by one of my bookbinding students), that I have ever owned.

Mostly I doodle or stick things in. I don’t write in it as often as I’d like/I should. I wonder if it’s the unwieldy size that’s subtly discouraging me?

2 thoughts on “vintage register journals

  1. Size matters a lot, when it comes to a writing journal. But it’s a perfect backdrop for gluing in images, photos and doodles! Loved the images as seen on insta. Love that you’re posting even more on instagram too! 🙂

    Take care.

    I’m of to read a letter I got today, here in Sweden. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow finally got there! Some days I love the big pages, encourages my handwriting to open up, but on the whole the hugeness of the books makes it hard to write easily across the whole spread. But silly me these aren’t real problems, j am lucky to have such books, either way. 😊


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