Monsoon Dervish on ETSY

It only took a month and a half of pleading, nagging, cajoling…

Kris finally opened his own ETSY shop.

Can you believe it?! Oh, he still grumbles about it, but hey, at least it’s up, and you can now purchase physical copies of his four books, as well as the PDF file of his Manual of Sextant Navigation, directly from him.


2 thoughts on “Monsoon Dervish on ETSY

  1. Hmmm…Luddites unite….not that i think its a bad thing, but I did managed to purchase these books from Kris, without the electric shop front…was fun tracking him down and obtaining them in person…with good conversation and some good coffee also. But it id the 21 st century or something now…so….the tide is moving as it always will.


    1. I adore my Luddite, Sholto! And yes, I know the face-to-face contact—meeting the enigma—can take the experience to a whole new level, but up until now I have been fielding all the inquiries, requests for books, and passing messages back and forth between him and his fans…so much that I feel like “secretary to a celebrity”! 😜
      His own shop means all those patient people waiting in the US, Russia and Europe can also finally buy copies of the books. And the money’ll go into his account instead of mine 😏


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